Navegando por Assunto GONDWANA

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 11 de 11
2007A new hypothesis on the position of the Greater Caucasus Terrane in the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic based on palaeontologic and lithologic dataRUBAN, Dmitry A.; ZERFASS, Henrique; YANG, Wang
2015Amálgamas do W-Gondwana na Província TocantinsFRASCA, Antônio Augusto Soares
2008Assinatura isotópica Sm-Nd na proveniência das rochas metassedimentares grupo Península Trinity na Península Antártica e Arquipélago das Orcadas do Sul: AntárticaMORAES, Renato; VALADARES, Diana Martins Pinheiro; DANTAS, Elton Luiz; SIMÕES, Luiz Sérgio Amarante; TROUW, Rudolph Allard Johannes; TAVARES, Felipe Mattos
2012Footprints of large theropod dinosaurs and implications on the age of Triassic biotas from Southern BrazilSILVA, Rafael Costa da; BARBONI, Ronaldo; DUTRA, Tânia; GODOY, Michel Marques; BINOTTO, Raquel Barros
2012Geochronological correlation of the main coal interval in Brazilian Lower Permian: Radiometric dating of tonstein and calibration of biostratigraphic frameworkSIMAS, Margarete Wagner; GUERRA-SOMMER, Margot; CAZZULO-KLEPZIG, Miriam; MENEGAT, Rualdo; SANTOS, João Orestes Schneider; FERREIRA, José Alcides Fonseca; DEGANI-SCHMIDT, Isabela
2015Geologia das suítes Travessia, Bonfim e Novo Planalto: granitoides de três estágios evolutivos do arco magmático de Mara RosaDIENER, Fernando Santos
2023Geotectonic study of the southeastern Dom Feliciano Belt in southern Brazil and its connections to the Punta del Este Terrane (Uruguay) and Pan-African mobile belts in southwestern AfricaCRUZ, Rodrigo Fabiano da
2023Mineral chemistry from the Alfeu-I lamproite (Southern Brazil) anr its contribution to undertstand te mantle heterogeneity under South American Plate during the Gondwana breakupCARNIEL, Larissa Colombo; CONCEIÇÃO, Romulo Vieira; PROVENZANO, Carlos Augusto Silva; SANDER, Andrea; LEITZKE, Felipe Padilha; SILVA, Andrea Brum da; BERNDT, Jasper; KLEMME, Stephan
Out-2024Onde está o registro sedimentar Jurássico da Bacia do Paraná? uma revisão estratigráficaREIS, Adriano Domingos dos; SCHERER, Claiton Marlon dos Santos; BERTOLINI, Gabriel; HORN, Bruno Ludovico Dihl
2024A shift in redox conditions near the Ediacaran/Cambrian transition and its possible influence on early animal evolution, Corumbá Group, BrazilCAXITO, Fabrício de Andrade; SPERLING, Erik; FAZIO, Gabriella; ADÔRNO, Rodrigo Rodrigues; DENEZINE, Matheus; DO CARMO, Demerval Aparecido; GIORGINI, Martino; UHLEIN, Gabriel Jube; SIAL, Alcides Nóbrega
2023The stratigraphic puzzle of the permo-mesozoic southwestern Gondwana: The Paraná Basin record in geotectonic and paleoclimatic contextoSCHERER, Claiton Marlon dos Santos; REIS, Adriano Domingos dos; HORN, Bruno Ludovico Dihl; BERTOLINI, Gabriel; LAVINA, Ernesto Luiz; KIFUMBI, Carrel; AGUILAR, Cesar Goso