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2024Dating perovskites from kimberlites of the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Brazil: challenges, strategies and geodynamic implicationsAZZONE, Rogério; PEARSON, D. Graham; SARKAR, Chiranjeeb; TARAZONA, Lina Maria Certina; CHMYZ, Luanna; LUO, Yan; EXCELSO, Ruberti; GUARINO, Vincenza; CABRAL NETO, Izaac
2024Diamond sources of the Juína region, Amazonian craton: textural and mineral chemical characteristics of Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlitesCABRAL NETO, Izaac; RUBERTI, Excelso; PEARSON, D. Graham; LUO, Yan; AZZONE, Rogério G.; SILVEIRA, Francisco V.; ALMEIDA, Vidyã V.
2024Mantle compositional architecture and diamond potential for the Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province, Brazil: compositional signatures from garnet xenocrysts in kimberlitesSOUZA, Julia Christina Bandeira Lino de; AZZONE, Rogério Guitarrari; RUBERTI, Excelso; PEARSON, D. Graham; SARKAR, Chiranjeeb; CHMYZ, Luanna; BARBOSA, Cassandra Terra; CABRAL NETO, Izaac; CARVALHO, Luísa D. V.
2024Mantle source characteristics of diamondiferous areas in Brazil revealed from Hf and O isotopes of zircon megacrystsCABRAL NETO, Izaac; PEARSON, D. Graham; RUBERTI, Excelso; LUO, Yan; STERN, Richard A.; AZZONE, Rogério G.; ALMEIDA, Vidyã V.; SILVEIRA, Francisco V.
2023Sublithospheric diamond ages and the supercontinent cycleTIMMERMAN, Suzette; STACHEL, Thomas; KOORNNEEF, Janne M.; SMIT, Karen V.; HARLOU, Rikke; NOWELL, Geoff M.; THOMSON, Andrew R.; KOHN, Simon C.; DAVIES, Joshua H. F. L.; DAVIES, Gareth R.; KREBS, Mandy Y.; ZHANG, Qiwei; MILNE, Sarah E. M.; HARRIS, Jeffrey W.; KAMINSKY, Felix; ZEDGENIZOV, Dmitry; BULANOVA, Galina; SMITH, Chris B.; CABRAL NETO, Izaac; SILVEIRA, Francisco Valdir; BURNHAM, Antony D.; NESTOLA, Fabrizio; SHIREY, Steven B.; WALTER, Michael J.; STEELE, Andrew; PEARSON, D. Graham
2024The origin of kimberlitic zircon and the search for a “fingerprint” for superdeep diamonds: enhanced classification of source rock using zircon trace element compositions and machine learningHARDMAN, Matthew F.; PEARSON, D. Graham; DUFRANE, S. Andrew; CABRAL NETO, Izaac; AZZONE, Rogério G.; RUKHLOV, Alexei S.