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dc.contributor.authorVILLAS BOAS, Mariana Dias-
dc.contributor.authorBASTOS, Anderson de Oliveira-
dc.contributor.authorARAUJO, Lígia Maria Nascimento de-
dc.contributor.authorSILVA, Janaina Pires Gomes da-
dc.contributor.authorMONTEIRO, Achiles Eduardo Guerra de Castro-
dc.identifier.citationVILLAS BOAS, Mariana Dias; BASTOS, Anderson de Oliveira; ARAUJO, Lígia Maria Nascimento de; SILVA, Janaina Pires Gomes da; MONTEIRO, Achiles Eduardo Guerra de Castro. O manejo do uso do solo como mecanismo regulatório da gestão da qualidade da água:- estudo de caso, a bacia do rio Piabanha. In: WORLD WATER CONGRESS, 14., 2011, Porto de Galinhas. Anais... Nanterre - França: IWRA, 2011.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe basin of Piabanha has the territory with approximately 40% of Atlantic forest and areas with steep slopes. This is a natural ally in the preservation of water quality. However there are several problems of pollution generated by the influence of agricultural uses, urban and industrial. This work aims to relate the different land uses and pollutants in the water (diffuse pollution), as well as the consequences of users' activities of the basin (point source pollution).It will be used EIBEX data analyzed the light of CONAMA Resolution No. 357. Thus, we intend to demonstrate that the management of water quality should not be made only from the point of view of wealth, but also the land use and occupation. The management of these activities should be discussed as a regulatory mechanism and economic, as the case of payment for environmental services, exemplified by "green ICMS" in Rio de Janeiro.pt_BR
dc.subject.otherQUALIDADE DA ÁGUApt_BR
dc.subject.otherUSO DO SOLOpt_BR
dc.subject.otherRIO PIABANHApt_BR
dc.titleO manejo do uso do solo como mecanismo regulatório da gestão da qualidade da água: estudo de caso, a bacia do rio Piabanhapt_BR
dc.typeWorking Paperpt_BR
dc.localPorto de Galinhas, PEpt_BR
dc.subject.enWATER QUALITYpt_BR
dc.subject.enPIABANHA RIVERpt_BR
Appears in Collections:Trabalhos Apresentados em Eventos

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