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dc.contributor.authorCAXITO, Fabrício de Andrade
dc.contributor.authorSANTOS, Yan Lucas de O. Pereira dos
dc.contributor.authorUHLEIN, Alexandre
dc.contributor.authorPEDREIRA, Augusto José
dc.contributor.authorFAULSTICH, Fabiano Richard L.
dc.identifier.citationCAXITO, Fabrício de Andrade; SANTOS, Yan Lucas de O. Pereira dos; UHLEIN, Alexandre; PEDREIRA, Augusto José; FAULSTICH, Fabiano Richard L. A Geologia entre Macaúbas e Canatiba (Bahia) e a evolução do Supergrupo Espinhaço no Brasil Oriental. Geonomos, Belo Horizonte, v.16, n.1, p.11-20, Belo Horizonte.
dc.description.abstractThe Espinhaço Supergroup cropping out between the cities of Macaúbas and Canatiba, in the northern|Espinhaço range, Bahia, is composed by the Pajeú Group (metarhythmites and intermediate to acid|metavolcanics), the Bom Retiro Formation (mature quartzites with metric to decametric cross-bedding), the São Marcos Group (quartzites with wavy stratification and wave-related cross-bedding, intercalated with micaschists) and the Sítio Novo Group (cross-bedded, conglomeratic and massive quartzites, metarhythmites and metapelites). The bedrock (gneisses and schists) is tectonically emplaced over the Espinhaço Supergroup in the eastern portion of the area, and the Espinhaço Supergroup is unconformably covered by the Santo Onofre Group (graphite-phyllites and metarhythmites) in the western portion of the area. This whole stratigraphic package is inverted, allowing, together with relations between bedding and schistosity, to define a large inverted limb of an assymmetric fold with axis NNW-SSE. In the Veredas Formation, intermediate portion of the Sítio Novo Group, occurs a bed of approximately 10m of deep blue dumortierite-quartzites, used as ornamental rocks. Samples of these rocks have been analysed using optic, cathodoluminescence and electronic microscopic techniques, revealing its mineralogic|and micromorphologic features. Comparing the stratigraphic and sedimentologic features of the studied area with other outcropping areas of the Espinhaço Supergroup, it can be concluded that it has evolved through three sedimentary megacycles,|represented on each of the portions of the Espinhaço Range and Diamantina Plateau in the eastern region|of Brazil. The first megacycle involves syn-rift sedimentation, starting at about 1,75 Ga (Statherian Period). The second megacycle involves fundamentally eolian sedimentation. The third megacycle involves mainly shallow marine to transitional sedimentation, with important tectonic reativation in the northern sector of the basin. All megacycles evolded in intracratonic environment
dc.subjectMINAS GERAIS
dc.titleA Geologia entre Macaúbas e Canatiba (Bahia) e a evolução do Supergrupo Espinhaço no Brasil Oriental
dc.localBelo Horizonte
Appears in Collections:Artigos de Periódicos

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